Friday 18 February 2011

10 things you need to know about our new site.

-          Website design is an emotionally charged business, everyone has a strong opinion.
-          Fuller’s Jack Frost doesn’t help.
-          Thankfully, no-one was injured during the making of this site.
-          But we nearly fell-out over the colour of the logo.
-          A blue and green logo made us look like a leisure centre. It was rejected.
-          At one point, it went bright orange.
-          Sensibly, we settled on blues and purple, our original choice.
-          The mission statement was re-written about ten times.
-          The words ‘value-added’ were banned from the text.
-          But the phrase ‘engaging video content’ is used six times.
-          Make that seven.
-          It has nothing to do with search engine optimization....ish.
-          There are more than ten things to know about our site.
-          The aim of the redesign is to reflect the shiny new us: dynamic, business-like and surprisingly sophisticated.
-          We think it hits the mark.
-          Huge thanks to Lokomotive -  - for the design, the build and the deep wells of patience.
-          Now onto the making of the video on the writing of the blog about the re-launch of the site.