Wednesday 26 September 2012

Tech, Tech and more Tech.

We're going to let you in on a secret, not a brilliantly kept one mind you.... 
Our production team has just finished filming the super Becca Laidler and the East Anglian hunk Matt Downton fronting the latest episode of Tech News. It's a weekly look at the more eclectic, mind bending and some times nonsensical world of erm.... Tech.

Written by a team of hacks and the well informed (yes a team, just like some of those US comedy shows, one or two of which are funny), Tech News has now reached episode 30. And, get this, the latest viewing figures from the viewing figures machine suggest that each episode is watched on average 100, 000 times; most of which are UK tech nuts only. 

Web sites like Reevoo and Tom's Hardware take Tech News and benefit from a nice piece of content and, as they say in the world of marketing, a more engaged viewer. Here's a taster..

So there you go, a secret that once was, and now isn't. Now, our Creative Director Matt Warnes has got a secret and it sounds a bit painful. It involves steep inclines and aching thighs. Watch this space for more.

Monday 17 September 2012

Peloton 3 - Bradley 1.

The champagne is flowing at this week. We are celebrating our 3rd birthday and crikey, what a 3 years it's been.

We launched as we saw that there was a space for a team that could make broadcast standard video at the kind of cost that traditional production companies would have turned their backs on. We saw that online media companies were the commissioners of the future and that video content would come from traditional content creators

Cycling fetishist Matt had started ThePeloton with a camera and a mac. Bus man Jon quickly partnered with Matt to bring in some much needed clients and our first ever job was created for publisher IDG and IBM. It was the sign of things to come.

Taxi fan Adrian turned his back on the TV industry having seen that were making waves in the world of online video. He looked to add a little intellectual panache and editorial rigour to what was now hours and days' worth of video content leaving ThePeloton Studio every month. His first project with HSBC is still lauded today.

Since then, IT interviews, awards, makeovers, fashion gurus, Prof. Brian Cox, nervous breakdowns, a studio full of 4 year olds, interactive video, cycling, bussing and taxi-ing has seen us through this exciting three years.

Despite rumours of takeovers and million pound investments, resolutely remains focused on creating top quality content. Quality rather than budget is now the key and we have continued to invest in kit, people and techniques. And that means that we stay on top of our game... for you... forever.

Now if you don't mind 'Oops Upside Your Head' has just come on and Adrian is at the head of the train...