Wednesday 24 October 2012

Fashion Call Out.

Today marks the launch of Fashion Call Out.
We are seeking exciting online fashion retailers for a super new project. Followers of will know that we have developed interactive video. This innovative tool allows users to click within the screen and buy from it. This has now been developed for the HTML5 platform and therefore we are looking to launch our (and possibly the world's) first tap-to-buy film.
The aim of this project is to seek the right retailer and to work together creatively and with the spirit and enthusiasm that this project will demand.
The end result will be that we produce a number of video catalogue type films that enable users to tap and buy!
The first shouts have gone out on social media to recruit the right retailer and we will use this blog to update you dear reader on the progress, tears and rollercoaster of excitement we expect.
Looking forward to the next update!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

The Futurists' Futurist

Friend of ThePeloton, wannabe futurist and public speaker, Zohe Mustafa, gave a talk at the E-commerce Expo. Now this wasn't a video speech per se but looked at marketing in 2025 and how we get there. Video of course is integral but it's how it will be viewed and used that's so white knuckle-ridingly exciting.

The talk was entitled 'Are We Really Innovating?'. Firstly, probably not. He suggests we are at somewhere like Web 1.5. Marketers have something like 88 different tactics at their disposal. However the point is technology isn't really here to enable this marketing vision. Typing still rules, touchscreens are limited etc.

Take a look at his presentation he has given us permission to share, it allows an insight into where all of this is going. If we were to summarise...

It could get even more difficult to navigate the world of connected business. There are fine examples here of how retailers and brands can develop to embrace Future Tech. Done well they will leave all competition in their wake. Those that embrace technology will totally transform how we do business. Like Disney and their interactive sofa!


Thursday 4 October 2012

Take Part in our Video Poll

ThePeloton has teamed up with our good friends at B2B Marketing to create an innovative video poll and we would love you to respond. It's aimed at media agencies and brands and, in fact, anyone who regularly commissions video as part of their marketing mix. We want to pick your grey stuff about how much video you commission and what kind of content works for you.

It won't take you long, just a couple of minutes, click on the link below.

To make it even easier, we've created the poll in HTML5. That means you can watch and respond on the go via your iPad. Pretty neat hey? And, there's more, if you submit your email at the end, you'll be one of the first to get the results of our poll.

A video on very post-modern.

Monday 1 October 2012

The Land where Content is still King.

There’s a cracking new video doing the rounds on YouTube. No not the South Korean rapper doing the funny dance. The particular film we’ve been admiring and sharing was made by the B2B marketing agency, Earnest. It offers a host of new statistics that are tinkly music to our dainty little ears. For example, 75% of executives watch videos on business sites every week. And 65% of them then go on to visit a vendor’s site after watching the video. There’s lots more stats where those two gems came from. See for yourself. 

Meanwhile, creating content is set to be one of the hot topics at this year’s B2B Marketing Conference. Ahead of the November 1st event, we’ve been interviewing some of the speakers and panelists. Some of the interviews are now up on B2B Marketing’s website. Here’s Stan Woods, the MD of the B2B consultants Velocity, talking about the challenges of creating great content.

Team Peloton will be descending en masse to the November conference; filming the presentations and doing a spot of light interviewing. We’ll also showing off our interactive video service which offers polling, data gathering and real-time analytics. And it now comes in HTML5. So be prepared to be wowed. The excitement may even make you want to do a funny dance. But just remember that you may get caught on camera...