Friday 23 September 2011

It's all about us..

In a world of marketing guff and adspeak bobbins, sometimes it's better to let others do the talking. That's why we've produced a new showreel including testimonials from some of our favourite people talking about the video content that we've produced for them.
Please take two minutes of your precious browsing time to watch, you might just like what you see.

Monday 19 September 2011

Paid for Comment, Part Eight.

Sometimes, while we are not out roaming the length and breadth of the country to make the latest film to be magnificently broadcast across some of the finest media websites on the globe... (pause for breath) we like to gaze into the world of the marketeer and see how video content might affect what they are up to.

So off to the B2B marketing conference we went. The subject was Content Marketing and speakers were experts and agencies who master the art of content curation. Here are the 10 points that we learnt for you dear reader.

1. This was the best attended seminar that B2B Marketing has put on. The audience was full of marketeers from across the spectrum copiously taking notes.
2. Agencies are very fond of flow diagrams to demonstrate the different components of the 'sales funnel'.
3. Marketing and Measurement business Eloqua has a very good and informed (if not a little American) content marketing blog.
4. Less is More - Don't just publish reams and reams of the stuff - make it relevant, entertaining and impactful.
5. Video content is key to reaching decision makers.
6. Can't remember the source but apparently 65% of Senior Business Executives visit a vendor's website having seen their video.
7. Also can't remember the source... 75% of executives watch work-related video.
8. If a B2B marketing agency doesn't do content, the end is nigh.
9. Facebook - Doesn't work for business.
10. When you do a presentation don't use the term 'Great big F*ck off...' There was an audible intake of breath and a mass crossing of arms and the audience was lost.